Official Community Plan (OCP)
Background Information:
The Official Community Plan (OCP) is the District’s vision for the future growth and development of the community. The vision reflects the ideas and input of the people who live and work in Stewart and who participated in the preparation of the Plan. The vision is communicated in words and maps through this Plan. However, it will be realized by the changes we see in our community as new development occurs, new residents settle here and new businesses are established. The Plan provides the District with a guide for development by establishing policies and designating land for specific uses. It also provides clear direction as to how the community will look over the next ten years.
The OCP focuses on land use but it also considers factors important to our quality of life. The Plan integrates land use, economy, environment, transportation, community facilities and services into a broad strategy to direct growth and development. An OCP is prepared under the authority of the Local Government Act, which states that an OCP is a statement of objectives and policies to guide decisions on planning and land use management.
View the most current Official Community Plan Bylaw