The Office of the Mayor
“A compassionate government keeps faith with the trust of the people and cherishes the future of their children.”
Do you have a special request for the Mayor? Interested in obtaining a letter of support or inviting the Mayor to an event? You’ll find everything you need to know right here!
Birthday and Anniversary Greetings
The Mayor offers a letter of congratulations to residents celebrating a 60th birthday and over, and couples celebrating a 25th wedding anniversary and over.
Letters of Support and Congratulations
The Mayor offers greeting letters to sports, culture, and other organizations for their event programs. Please include the name, date and location of the event; the name of the organization; and any background that would be useful - such as how many years the event has been running, volunteer involvement, etc.
Request a Proclamation
The Mayor issues proclamations to recognize the value and importance of a person, an event, a campaign, or an organization for a certain day, week or month. Acknowledgement is normally given to reward the efforts and commitment of individuals and organizations that enhance our community and are significant to Stewart residents.