For your convenience some frequently requested policies have been attached here for reference:
Code of Conduct Policy - This policy sets minimum expectations for the behavior of Council officials, Staff and advisory body members in carrying out their functions
Electronic Communications at Council Meetings - A policy has been adopted by Council limiting the use of electronic communications devices (including but not limited to, cell phones, tablets and Blackberries) during Council and Committee meetings.
Financial Assistance / Grants-In-Aid Policy - The District of Stewart annually receives requests for financial assistance and grants from individuals, groups and community organizations in support of programs, services or functions that benefit the community. Policy outline and application forms included in this attachment.
Social Media Policy - The District of Stewart’s Social Media Policy establishes and outlines the principles of use for the District’s Communications Coordinator when engaging and posting on the District’s social media accounts
Rentals Policy - The District of Stewart seeks to maximize service to the community by providing rental of items that are not accessible from anywhere else within the municipality - such as: Tables, Chairs, Screen & Projector, Porta-Potties
Workplace Cell Phone & Pager Policy - This document sets forth a model District Policy for cell phone & pager usage and applies to all District employees.
Municipal Property Sale Policy-ADM-025 - This policy provides information pertaining to disposition of properties deemed surplus to the District's needs.