Collection & Schedule

The District of Stewart provides weekly curbside garbage collection.

Garbage pick-up schedule is:

  • Residential: Wednesdays
  • Businesses: Mondays & Fridays
  • Dumpsters: Regularly 

As pick-up times may vary on the scheduled pick-up day, materials must be placed at the curb before 8:00 am.

Garbage collection day pick-up tips:

  • Put your garbage into a garbage container with a lid and have out by 8 am on your collection day.
  • Put the covered container at the curb or lane in a spot that is easy for the collectors to see and reach.
  • Each filled garbage container should be light enough to carry easily with one hand to the curb or lane.
  • Do not overfill garbage containers with heavy material.
  • Leave 15 to 20 centimetres (6 to 8 inches) of bag above the twist tie so that the collectors can get a firm hold on the bag.
  • Clear a path through to your collection area. Shovel any ice and snow so that collectors can see and get to your garbage.
  • Keep parked vehicles away from your collection area on collection day.
  • Do not put garbage containers on top of snow banks, as the constant lifting above shoulder level can injure collection crews.
  • Bag and tie all grass clippings and yard waste – or better still, try composting them.
  • If you use grocery bags or other small kitchen-sized bags for your garbage, put them in larger sealed garbage bags before putting them into the garbage container.
  • Load garbage cans loosely. Items jammed or wedged tightly into cans, can make the cans difficult to empty, and may damage them.
  • Place all loose garbage, such as sawdust, ashes and vacuum contents, in sealed bags prior to putting them in the garbage container. Loose garbage can blow out of the truck into the collectors' eyes and litter neighbourhoods.
  • Put all sharp objects, such as needles, broken glass, and nails, in puncture-proof containers.
  • Do not put out bulky waste for regular garbage collection.

If your collection day has passed and your garbage has not been collected please, give a call to our Public Works Department at (250) 636-2742